Daily Chapel – November 7 2016
Date: 11-07-2016
Scripture Lesson:Luke 19:11-27
Preacher: Professor Schuetze
Description: Monday –Luke 19:11-27 Just like the king in this parable, our King will return and ask everyone to give an account on Judgement Day. For those who oppose Jesus’ rule and reign, this will be a day of fear because all that is waiting for them is eternal death. But we look forward to our King’s return because our account is sealed by the perfection of Jesus and the power of the Spirit to be good stewards. On that day, Jesus will say to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Service: Regular Chapel Order Preacher: Professor Schuetze Hymns #456, Forth in Your Name, O Lord, I Go #484, Brothers, Sister, Let Us Gladly Organist Geoff Rue