Daily Chapel – September 16 2016
Date: 09-16-2016
Scripture Lesson:Hosea 3:1-5
Preacher: Ben Berger
Description: Friday – Hosea 3:1-5 Hosea was instructed to marry and love a prostitute, Gomer. This act was to illustrate God’s grace to straying and idolatrous Israel. Gomer did not deserve Hosea’s love, and she proved it time and time again. Yet Hosea forgave and loved her as the Lord commanded. Hosea’s demonstration of undeserved love spoke a wealth of God’s grace to sinners. When lost sinners come seeking refuge in the grace of God, they find nothing but the joyful and welcoming arms of our loving Savior! Service Regular chapel order Speaker Ben Berger Hymns #389, Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me #379, Amazing Grace Pianist Nathanael Jensen, guitar ensemble