Daily Chapel – September 14 2016
Date: 09-14-2016
Scripture Lesson:Exodus 32:7-14
Preacher: Geoff Rue
Description: Wednesday – Exodus 32:7-14 Israel had hit an all-time low. They turned from worshiping the all-powerful God who led them out from under the oppressive hand of Egyptians to worshipping a golden calf. But in this reading, we see Moses pleading with God to relent from his anger and to remember his promises. Like Moses, we hold God to his promises of faithfulness to the lost. Even during the darkest of days, the Lord turns from his fierce anger and preserves his chosen people for eternity. Service CW Morning Praise Speaker Geoff Rue Psalm Psalm 51a – CW setting Response Give Thanks to the Lord - Moldenhauer Organist Prof. Tiefel Chapel Choir Middler Chapel Choir