Daily Chapel – May 12 2016
Date: 05-12-2016
Scripture Lesson:Colossians 3:12-17
Preacher: Jason Zuehlke
Description: Thursday – Colossians 3:12-17 Jesus not only prayed for unity and growth in his Church, but he equipped us to help bring those things about. It sounds a little too simple, but as a Christian, our lives are defined by Christ. Being a Christian means that God’s love and God’s peace rule in your life. It means we do whatever we can to promote unity among believers. It means forgiving. It means instructing. It means rebuking and admonishing. It means oozing Christ and his message out of every pore. This isn’t just true for future pastors, but for all Christians. In this way, we build each other up and build the kingdom of God. Service Regular chapel order Speaker Jason Zuehlke Hymns Oh How Good it Is (Getty) 566 We All Are One in Mission Pianist Chapel Band