Daily Chapel – May 10 2017
Date: 05-10-2017
Scripture Lesson:1 Peter 2:19-25
Preacher: Zach VonDeylen
Description: Wednesday – 1 Peter 2:19-25 When his co-worker Stephen was martyred, it rocked Peter’s world. Persecution and suffering of early Christians was common. Yet Peter reminds us that not even persecution or hardship, suffering or tragedy can pluck us from the loving care of our Good Shepherd. Jesus is the gate for straying sheep. Jesus suffered willingly and silently, bearing the sins of the straying sheep. We were like sheep gone astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd. Peter calls us to follow our Shepherd, even if it means suffering for doing good. Service Regular Chapel Service Speaker Zach VonDeylen Hymns 436 - Jesus, Shepherd of the Sheep 432 - I am Jesus’ Little Lamb Organist Geoffrey Rue