Daily Chapel – March 21 2017
Date: 03-21-2017
Scripture Lesson:Exodus 17:1-7
Preacher: Jonathan Neumann
Description: Tuesday – Exodus 17:1-7 When the Israelites camped at Rephidim, the encountered a deadly situation: no water. Instead of trusting in the LORD who miraculously fed them with manna and quail and who had already miraculously given them water to drink while they traveled in the desert, the Israelites grumbled against Moses and against God. Despite their testing God, God continued to graciously provide for the needs of his people as water flowed out of the rock Moses struck. 1 Corinthians 10:4 adds that God not only gave them water for their bodies from an earthly rock, but spiritual drink from the Rock, Christ. Service Regular Chapel Order Speaker Jonathan Neumann Hymns 108 – Jesus, Refuge of the Weary 121 – Jesus, Grant that Balm and Healing Organist Nathanael Jensen