Daily Chapel – February 28 2017
Date: 02-28-2017
Scripture Lesson:Exodus 24:8-18
Preacher: Caleb Klatt
Description: Tuesday – Exodus 24:8-18 How different Mt. Sinai was from the Mount of Glory! Moses entered into thick darkness to receive the Law of God, the two-sided covenant for Israel, and when he came down the mountain he witnessed the Golden Calf. He knew that no man could ever keep God’s covenant. Yet on the Mount of Glory in the midst of a bright cloud, Moses saw God’s new covenant in the person of Jesus Christ. On Mount Sinai, the people cowered in fear at the glory of God, but on the Mount of Glory, that same glory of God looked like a man—a man who would later die to fulfill the covenant and says his disciples and to us, “Don’t be afraid.” Service Regular Chapel Order Speaker Caleb Klatt Hymns 712 - Jesus, Take Us to the Mountain Farewell to Alleluia (PICARDY) Organist Nathanael Jensen