Daily Chapel – April 28 2017
Date: 04-28-2017
Scripture Lesson:1 Peter 1:3-9
Preacher: Tyler Swiderski
Description: Friday – 1 Peter 1:3-9 The Christian rejoices in suffering because of Christ’s resurrection. Even though we don’t see our resurrected Lord with our eyes, the salvation of our souls is a reality that fills us with inexpressible joy. Instead of focusing on the hardships that can significantly change our life on this earth, Peter points to our inheritance of heaven through Christ’s resurrection that does cannot perish, spoil, or fade. Even the suffering we do experience is our joy as God uses it to refine our faith on Jesus. Service Regular Chapel Order Speaker Tyler Swiderski Hymns CW 147 Like the Golden Sun Ascending CW 144 Christ Is Arisen Organist Geoff Rue