What They Need to Hear
What They Need to Hear is a series of 91 letters that he wrote to his dying father-in-law Lloyd Bingaman during the last 18 months of Lloyd’s life here on earth. Lloyd was a skeptic. ...
What They Need to Hear is a series of 91 letters that he wrote to his dying father-in-law Lloyd Bingaman during the last 18 months of Lloyd’s life here on earth. Lloyd was a skeptic. ...
Edward Grimenstein’s A Lutheran Primer for Preaching is exactly what it claims to be: an introduction to one of the tasks, if not the most important task, which pastors do. Grimenstein has two goals in ...
A pastor is expected to be a “carer of souls.” Some have even described the role of the pastor as a “physician of souls.” He is tasked with overseeing the spiritual health and welfare ...
Imagination Redeemed is meant to fill a gap in Christian literature. Typically, when we divide up human mental faculties, “…we usually think of the intellect (reason), emotions (feelings), and possibly the will (desires, choices)” ...
Smither writes for those who want to mentor spiritual leaders, especially those pursuing authenticity and longing to practice what they preach. He studies the ministry of Aurelius Augustine (AD 354-430), a.k.a. Augustine of Hippo, as ...
DeYoung writes this book because he has identified a problem in his life which he knows he shares with many other Christians. He’s muttered to himself, “What am I doing? How did I get ...
How do we encourage Christian fathers and husbands to be leaders at home? How do we empower Christian fathers to see their primary calling is not to put food on the table, but to ...
Dr. Korcok served as pastor of a church in rural Ontario, Canada, which was in the process of establishing a Lutheran elementary school. This led him to ask questions, such as, “Why should the ...
As I write this review, stories fill the news about whether Planned Parenthood harvested and sold organs from aborted babies. We live in a world of complex, difficult, and often horrifying bioethical choices. The ...