A Painfully Beautiful Ongoing Lesson!
Dear Brothers, My life has been a painful and at the same time beautiful 57-year journey into the depths of the depravity of my sinful heart and into the still more astounding depth of God’s ...
Dear Brothers, My life has been a painful and at the same time beautiful 57-year journey into the depths of the depravity of my sinful heart and into the still more astounding depth of God’s ...
Dear Brothers, Even though John the Baptizer intentionally pointed two of his disciples away from himself and to the Lamb of God, might it still have hurt just a bit as John and Andrew walked ...
Dear Brothers, If the goal of Jesus’ first miracle was to create some buzz, then Jesus should have fired his publicist. The location of the miracle was in a town so small that John feels ...
Volume 17, Number 3. The "Ideal" Sermon How would you define the “ideal” sermon? What are its characteristics? Church Growth authority C. Peter Wagner defined the ideal sermon as follows: “is not intellectual, but emotional; ...
Volume 13, Number 6 The Sermon in Worship: Liturgical Preaching The sermon rarely stands alone in Lutheran Worship. On a typical Sunday or festival, we preach in a defined context and as part of a ...
Volume 12, Number 3 Preaching in a Mission Setting Pastor Merton contrasts serving a congregation with a thousand communicant members to service in a mission congregation with twelve communicants meeting in a classroom. Read More ...
Volume 10, Number 3 Pastor Daron Lindemann reminds us not only to study our text, but to study our listeners. Sermon helps are listed for The Baptism of Our Lord, Epiphany 1-5, Transfiguration, Ash Wednesday, ...
Volume 5, Number 3 Read More Appropriation Our desire to get quickly and heavily to application, perhaps at the expense of appropriation, reveals in part how the opinio legis works. Read More Festival Preaching Good ...
Volume 5, Number 2 Read More Precision With the bloody mess that sharp Law preaching leaves behind, the preacher must be equally precise with the resuscitation of the Good News. Read More Why Guest Preach ...
Volume 3, Number 3 Read More What One Year of Preaching Taught Me Reflections of a first year preacher in the ministry. What does it mean to "Preach the text?" Where are the best illustrations? ...