Overseas Pastor’s Institute


Last month, Professor Brad Wordell had the privilege of teaching the doctrine of conversion in a country in South Asia. “Whenever I visit one of our mission fields, goal #1 is ‘Do no harm and encourage the saints,'” shares Wordell. His “students” are Lutheran pastors who gather together four times a year in order to support their continuing education.

By the end of this brief Pastor’s Institute, these pastors were able to:

  • Discuss key issues regarding the doctrine of conversion, including differing views.
  • Define conversion and put it into the context of all the gracious activities of the Holy Spirit.
  • Read the various conversion stories in the Bible with an eye towards God’s grace.
  • Explain and defend the Bible’s teaching about conversion with key Bible passages.
  • Articulate how the doctrine of conversion informs the doctrine and practice of their ministries.

One of the pastors in South Asia shares, “Because of sola scriptura and sola gratia, our study of conversion has made me proud to be a Lutheran pastor.” Indeed, these pastors take all their thoughts captive to the Word of God; and they are confident that from the fullness of His grace, God gives his people grace after grace.

Please pray for these pastors as they serve God’s flock in South Asia.
