Friends of the Seminary Day

Please join us on Oct. 12, in the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary auditorium for Friends of the Seminary Day, where men and women gather to learn more about the vital mission of the seminary.

Presentations highlight some of the ways our faculty and students are serving Christ’s church on a wider scale on and off our campus. In addition, an offering is gathered to support a project on campus. Since 1973, friends of the seminary have given more than $130,000 towards seminary projects. The day includes coffee fellowship, worship, presentations, a light luncheon, and campus tours for those who wish to participate.

8-9 am: Registration and coffee hour
9 am-Noon: Worship with The Seminary Chorus and presentations
Noon: Lunch
12:45 pm: Optional seminary tour

Reserve your seat by providing your name, address, telephone number, and whether you plan to participate in the tour to:

Leah Leyrer

While there is no registration fee, your reservation aids us for planning purposes.
