The Resurrection Fact: Responding to Modern Critics
Each contributor within The Resurrection Fact responds to modern critics of the historical death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the event on which justification became a reality. “He was handed over to death ...
When was Jesus Really Born?
Bibliographical Information: When Was Jesus Really Born? Early Christianity, the Calendar, and the Life of Jesus, by Steven L. Ware. St. Louis, Missouri: Concordia Publishing House, 2013. 281 pages. Credentials: Steven L. Ware, PhD, is ...
Reflections of Light: The Odyssey of a Black American Lutheran Pastor During the Civil Rights Years
Lonnie L. Branch received a Master of Divinity by completing a curriculum between the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago and Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa. He was the ninth black pastor ordained in ...
Book Review: From Here to Maturity: Overcoming the Juvenilization of American Christianity
Thomas E. Bergler is professor of ministry and missions at Huntington University in Huntington, Indiana. His book The Juvenilization of American Christianity (2012) was featured in Christianity Today and won an award of merit from ...
Book Review: Christian Freedom: Faith Working Through Love
Martin Luther (1483-1546) and Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) lived and served in what is today Wittenberg, Germany at the University of Wittenberg. Martin Luther published countless treatises, commentaries, sermons, lectures, confessional statements, and other writings, many ...
Book Review: The New Syriac Primer
George Kiraz is the president of Gorgias Press and the director of Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute. The New Syriac Primer is an introduction to the Syriac language. In 1984 Kiraz immigrated to the United ...
Book Review: Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy
Stephen M. Garrett, associate professor at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, and J. Merrick, assistant professor at Grand Canyon University, present Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy much like the climate of the evangelical church: ...