Review: Fallen
This book is a volume in the Theology in Community series, which is advertised as “first-rate evangelical scholars taking a multidisciplinary approach to key Christian doctrines.” The goal is to focus on the Old and ...
This book is a volume in the Theology in Community series, which is advertised as “first-rate evangelical scholars taking a multidisciplinary approach to key Christian doctrines.” The goal is to focus on the Old and ...
Martin Luther served the church in many capacities. He was called friar, priest, professor, doctor, and reformer. Yet of all the words that one could use to describe him, perhaps none would summarize the work ...
Many people wrestle with the relationship between the Word preached and the Word poured out in Baptism. How does this washing with water and the Word work? Is it necessary for a believing adult? Does ...
ANOTHER COMMENTARY?!?! That is perhaps a person’s reaction to this review. However this book is unique when it comes to commentaries, at least most English commentaries. This is not just one commentator’s thoughts on Leviticus, ...
Among the various traditions this time of year, George Friederic Handel’s Messiah is often one of them. Perhaps it is the tradition of attending a performance of Messiah on a December evening before Christmas. Perhaps ...
Bart Ehrman presents a challenge to Christians. His challenge is in the area of textual criticism. His main point is this: We do not have the original pieces of paper on which Mark wrote his ...
With a pile of “must-reads” littering my study and another pile on my nightstand, very few books make it to my “read it again and again and again” pile. Dying to Live: The Power of ...
“[Peters] has taken every aspect of what is covered in the catechisms and enriched it with comments from Luther’s lectures, sermons, and other works, to show how what is in the catechisms is just the ...
When I was in college I remember being told, “The first five times you read the psalms, you’ll realize how little you really know. The next five times you read the psalms you’ll start to ...
Content of Deeper Places Premise In Jacoby's introduction, he writes: ...most people struggle to attain anything more than a remote and abstract idea about God...It is little wonder, then, that we have no emotional connection ...