The American Muhammad
All false doctrine is the same under the skin. Once you delve into what makes a particular system of heresy tick, you can note similarities with other false teachers and other false teachings, and ...
All false doctrine is the same under the skin. Once you delve into what makes a particular system of heresy tick, you can note similarities with other false teachers and other false teachings, and ...
Why is it important to study church history? Why is it important to understand how we got here and where we came from? Why is it important to recognize that 21st century Christians, let ...
When the Holy Spirit inspired the New Testament, he made frequent use of letters. Paul, Peter John, and other disciples of Christ wrote letters under the Spirit’s guidance. In his book, Letter Writing in ...
One has to admire the transparency with which Quinn-Miscall begins his book. He openly admits that his book is not an in-depth commentary (4). Instead, his focus is to provide a “new way of ...
In Paul and Union with Christ Campbell writes for scholarly believers in Christ who can read Greek and are acquainted with theological debates among Protestants. He supplies a study of every passage in Paul’s ...
Scot McKnight begins his commentary with these words: “In teaching the letter of James, one should walk to the front of the room and write these words in big letters on the chalkboard: Read ...
Will this book end up as shelf-furniture? I struggled with that question while writing this review. It’s a good book, but it may not be for you. The introduction correctly claims that the book ...
When were the seeds of Christianity first sown on the continent of Africa? From a WELS historical perspective, one might recall the Synodical Conference’s start of mission work in Nigeria in 1936 or Wisconsin’s ...
Many unbelieving scholars believe that the original stories about Jesus underwent changes and picked up fictional additions before they were finally written down in our canonical Gospels. Young people from our congregations who go ...
This book seeks to reveal the truth that the culture surrounding pastors is often times spiritually unhealthy, that is, an environment that actively undermines the well-being and efficacy of church leaders and thus an entire ...