Caring for the Temple
There are times when you need to care for yourself before you can care for others. It could be called the oxygen mask rule. On an airplane, you are told to put your mask on ...
There are times when you need to care for yourself before you can care for others. It could be called the oxygen mask rule. On an airplane, you are told to put your mask on ...
"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants" (Ps 116:15). On October 29, 2022, the Lord called to himself the soul of Professor emeritus David P. Kuske, at the ...
When my wife Lauren and I were choosing a text for our recent wedding, we wanted something to cling to. We wanted something to hold near to our hearts as we face the inevitable struggles ...
I'm not a pastor’s kid. I graduated from a non-WELS high school. I’m not from the Midwest, and I’m an introvert. So, as I consider my recent transition to the parish life, I’m asking myself, ...
By the grace of God, the Lord is still using me to proclaim his praise at the age of 75 years. Like the apostle Paul, who said, “what I received, I passed on,” I have ...
"Brothers!" I vividly remember hearing that word over and over again on our class trips to the seminary during my college years. Everywhere we went on campus, the seminarians would call us “brothers.” At first ...
What does a pastor look like? What form does he take? The answer varies. It depends on the man’s gifts. It depends on his upbringing, on the place in which he serves, and on the ...
As a second-career seminary student, I am often asked about what I did for my first career. I struggle with how to respond because there are several answers I could give. Immediately before moving to ...
I’ll call them unsung heroes. I know that’s cliché. But I want to sing their praises so that they are unsung no more. I’m talking about the seminary support staff. They’re the ones who make ...
My friend’s little sister is taking a course at a public university called Intro to the New Testament. If its title reflected its actual content, the course would more aptly be named Intro to Why ...