Not Just Academics

What do seminarians do for fun?” That’s a question I hear a lot. I think sometimes people hear “seminary” and picture something like a 15th-century monastery. They assume that all our days are spent in ...

Preacher Podcast

Podcasts—sets of audio recordings that people can play on demand on their smartphones or computers—are proliferating, as they have been for many years. How many podcasts are there now? Estimates vary widely. In all, there ...

A New Home

You’re moving from Florida to Wisconsin in January? That’s crazy!” My family and I heard these words many times after announcing that my husband had accepted a call to serve as a professor at Wisconsin ...

Free to be Flexible

Allow me to state the obvious. The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod does not operate a seminary for the sake of operating a seminary. Our forebears didn’t establish a seminary in 1863 to provide the fledgling ...

Employment Opportunity

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary is seeking an individual to work on the seminary’s cafeteria staff as a supper cook. This individual will assist the Food Service Director in preparation of meals for the student body. A ...

A Symposium on the Two Kingdoms

The 2023 WLS Symposium will focus on the doctrine of the two kingdoms. Recent trends in both the political and religious landscape of the United States have generated renewed attention on the doctrine of the ...