The Oil of Grace
Dear Brothers, Five foolish. Five wise. There's a sobering warning aimed at me in those numbers in Jesus' parable. If only Jesus' warning in the gospel for Saints Triumphant hadn't been spoken in the ...
Dear Brothers, Five foolish. Five wise. There's a sobering warning aimed at me in those numbers in Jesus' parable. If only Jesus' warning in the gospel for Saints Triumphant hadn't been spoken in the ...
Dear Brothers, "A few dollars." That's the NIV84's footnote in Sunday's gospel suggesting a contemporary equivalent of a 100 denarii debt. Doesn't that miss the point? 100 denarii was 100 days wages for a day ...
Dear Brothers, Sometimes, small words make all the difference! In Sunday's gospel, the parable of the weeds (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43), there are two small words to which I pray the Spirit enables me to cling! ...
Dear Brothers, "Man looks at things; God sees through them" (Christian Dogmatics, Vol. I, 448). Want evidence of Pieper's point? Observe Jesus in Sunday's gospel (Mt 9:35 - 10:8). In town after town Jesus doesn't ...
Dear Brother, "He will not speak of his own; he will speak only what he hears" (John 16:13). Did you catch the glimpse of an astounding mystery of the interaction of the persons of the ...
Dear Brother, How are your voice lessons going? "His sheep follow him because they know his voice" (John 10:4). One way to summarize our calling as God's children is to speak of it as voice ...
Dear Brothers, Consider their advantages. They lived in a perfect world filled with clear evidences of their heavenly Father's love. Their home was a garden in which every earthly need was more than adequately met. ...
Dear Brothers, As a child, the Olympics fascinated me. With eyes glued to the TV, I loved hearing NBC's Olympic fanfare. But as years passed, I've grown weary of the humanistic pride of the "Olympic ...