Four Seminary Professors Celebrate 25 Years in the Ministry

At a special chapel service on October 20, family, students, and faculty celebrated the 25th anniversary in the ministry of Professor Jonathan Micheel, Professor Steven Pagels, Professor Paul Waldschmidt, and Professor Robert Wendland. Professor Jonathan ...

Renewing Appreciation for Lutheran Art

In 2021, the seminary received as a gift a reproduction of the altarpiece at St. Mary’s Church in Wittenberg, Germany. St. Mary’s was the church at which the Luther family worshiped and where Luther often ...

Registration for Celebration of Ministry Opens THIS FRIDAY!

Registration for the 2024 Celebration of Ministry retreats opens October 13. We look forward to gathering with you in 2024! Members of the classes of 1989, 1999, 2014, 2021 along with their wives are invited ...

Grant Opportunity for Your Congregation

A retired pastor and his wife have generously provided two $500 gifts. These gifts are intended to encourage WELS pastors to partner with their lay leaders as they grow together to meet a ministry challenge ...

Consider the Winterim Opportunity in January 2024

January may seem like a long ways away. It’s not. All pastors—those far away from the seminary and especially those within driving distance of the seminary—are encouraged to consider attending Winterim for one week or ...

Spring Online

Enroll today for Spring Online 2024. Join Professor Souksamay Phetsanghane, Professor John Schuetze, or Professor Paul Wendland this spring from January 22-March 17. Visit the Spring Online homepage for more information and class titles. 

Psalm 84

How is your pilgrimage going? The life of a pilgrim is not easy; in the wilderness many things can aggravate and annoy. Maybe that is why the Lord’s pilgrims like to sing. Psalm 84 is ...

Pierced by Love

Not Just Academics

What do seminarians do for fun?” That’s a question I hear a lot. I think sometimes people hear “seminary” and picture something like a 15th-century monastery. They assume that all our days are spent in ...

Preacher Podcast

Podcasts—sets of audio recordings that people can play on demand on their smartphones or computers—are proliferating, as they have been for many years. How many podcasts are there now? Estimates vary widely. In all, there ...