Review: Handbook of Consolations

Handbook of Consolations for the Fears and Trials That Oppress Us in the Struggle with Death, by Johann Gerhard, translated by Carl L. Beckwith. Eugene OR: Wipf & Stock, 2009. 90 pages. Johann Gerhard (1582–1637) ...

Preach the Word – September/October 2012

Volume 16, Number 1 Welcome! I have appreciated Preach the Word since it began fifteen years ago. ... for the last couple of years, I have had the very helpful experience of discussing each issue ...

Review: The Reason for God

The Reason for God, by Timothy Keller.  New York, NY: Riverhead Books, 2008.  251 pages. Timothy Keller is a pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America. He serves at Redeemer Presbyterian Church ( in Manhattan, ...

Review: Proverbs Commentaries Comparison

Proverbs (Concordia Commentary), by Andrew E. Steinmann. St. Louis: Concordia, 2009. 719 pages. 250 pages.  The Book of Proverbs: Chapters 1‒15 (New International Commentary on the Old Testament), by Bruce K. Waltke. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, ...

Review: Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, by Eric Metaxas. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2010.  608 pages. The reader may be familiar with the work of Eric Metaxas, even without knowing so. Before he authored this “New York ...

Review: The Prodigal God

The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith, by Timothy Keller.  New York: Riverhead Books, 2008.  155 pages. Timothy Keller was educated at Bucknell University, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary. He ...

Review: The Problem of Suffering

The Problem of Suffering: A Father’s Hope, by Gregory P. Schulz.  St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2011.  144 pages. Greg Schulz is an ordained Lutheran pastor who also holds a doctorate in philosophy.  He is ...

Review: Is There a Meaning in This Text?

Is There a Meaning in This Text? by Kevin J. Vanhoozer.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998. 496 pages. Kevin Vanhoozer is a Blanchard Professor of Theology at Wheaton College and Graduate School.  He is the author ...

Review: For the Life of the Church

For the Life of the Church: A Practical Edition of Pastor Walther’s Prayers and Addresses, by C.F.W. Walther. Edited by Charles P. Schaum. Translated by Rudolph Prange. St. Louis: Concordia, 2011. 194 pages. C.F.W. Walther ...

Review: Commentary on Luther’s Catechisms: Lord’s Prayer

Commentary on Luther’s Catechisms: Lord’s Prayer, by Albrecht Peters. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2011. 221 pages. The late Dr. Albrecht Peters was a longtime member of the theological faculty of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg, ...