Preach the Word – July/August 2010

Volume 13, Number 6 The Sermon in Worship: Liturgical Preaching The sermon rarely stands alone in Lutheran Worship. On a typical Sunday or festival, we preach in a defined context and as part of a ...

Preach the Word – May/June 2010

Volume 13, Number 5 The Sermon as Outreach: Preaching the Gospel In a miracle of (God’s) grace that confounds human imagination, God has chosen to use clay pots like us to preach messages that save. ...

Preach the Word – March/April 2010

Volume 13, Number 4 The Sermon in Worship: The Influence of the Gospel Especially when the lectionary readings have been chosen to relate specifically to one another, we have an opportunity to apply and enhance ...

Preach the Word – January/February 2010

Volume 13, Number 3 The Sermon as Outreach: Preaching the Law We preachers, who constantly study and talk about the distinction between law and gospel, are tempted to make sermons into lessons on that distinction ...

Preach the Word – November/December 2009

Volume 13, Number 2 The Sermon in Worship: Preaching with Partners Whether we’re preaching as outreach or as nurture, we preach most often in a setting called public worship. The setting is going to influence ...

Preach the Word – September/October 2009

Volume 13, Number 1 Preaching: It's Worship, It's Outreach This volume of Preach the Word will focus on both aspects of preaching: preaching as part of public worship and preaching as an act of evangelism. ...

Preach the Word – July/August 2009

Volume 12, Number 6 A Funny Thing Happen on the Way to Church: The Use of Humor in the Pulpit Many feel that humor has a place in Christian sermons. Others would caution that humor ...

Preach the Word – May/June 2009

Volume 12, Number 5 Continuing Education for Preachers: Moving Beyond Comfortable Competency It is a temptation in virtually every profession: Many fail to move beyond competence toward excellence. If ever there was a profession to ...

Preach the Word – March/April 2009

Volume 12, Number 4 PowerPoint in the Pulpit It boggles the mind to think how rapidly technology has advanced in the past couple of decades. These advances have impacted our lives, including our preaching. Powerpoint ...

Preach the Word – January/February 2009

Volume 12, Number 3 Preaching in a Mission Setting Pastor Merton contrasts serving a congregation with a thousand communicant members to service in a mission congregation with twelve communicants meeting in a classroom. Read More ...