Review: Church Marketing 101

Church Marketing 101: Preparing Your Church for Greater Growth, by Richard L. Reising  Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2006.  206 pages. Richard Reising is the founder and president of Dallas-based Artistry Marketing, a national church-consulting ...

Review: Biblical Hermeneutics

Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views, Edited by Stanley E. Porter & Beth M. Stovell. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2012. 224 pages. Stanley E. Porter is president, dean, and professor of New Testament at McMaster Divinity ...

Review: Natural Law

Natural Law: A Lutheran Reappraisal, Robert C. Baker, general editor, Roland Cap Ehlke, editor. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2011. 302 pages. Robert C. Baker received his MDiv from Concordia Seminary (St. Louis), and is ...

Review: Rediscovering the Church Fathers

Rediscovering the Church Fathers: Who They Were and How They Shaped the Church, by Michael A.G. Haykin. Wheaton: Crossway, 2011. 172 pages. Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin is the professor of church history and Biblical spirituality ...

Review: Sticky Church

Sticky Church, by Larry Osborne. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2008.  201 pages. Larry Osbourne serves as pastor at North Coast Church.  During his tenure at North Coast Church, he has seen the church slowly grow ...

Review: Leaders Who Last

Leaders Who Last, by Dave Kraft.  Wheaton, Illinois: Crosway, 2010.  155 pages. Dave Kraft is a Jewish convert to Christianity.  He has served in full-time ministry for over forty years.  He currently serves on the ...

Review: Ruth

Ruth: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text, by Robert D. Holmstedt. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2010. 180 page paperback.  Robert D. Holmstedt teaches ancient Hebrew and other Northwest Semitic languages at the University of ...

Preach the Word – January/February 2013

Volume 16, Number 3 Encouragement If we value the unconditional Gospel, we will value the Biblical languages. Read More The Use of the Original Languages in Sermon Preparation Three pastors discuss how they use Greek ...

Review: Commentary on Luther’s Catechisms: Creed

Commentary on Luther’s Catechisms: Creed, by Albrecht Peters, (trans. Thomas Trapp).  St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2011. 306 pages. Albrecht Peters (d. Oct 26, 1987) was a professor at Ruprecht-Karl-Univeristät in Heidelberg, West Germany. Peters ...

Review: Reading Scripture with the Reformers

Reading Scriptures with the Reformers, by Timothy George, Downer’s Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2011. 258 pages. Timothy George (Th. D., Harvard University) is a renowned Reformation historian. He is the founding dean at the Beeson Divinity ...