Review: Conversational Evangelism

Norman Geisler is Distinguished Professor of Theology and Apologetics at Veritas Evangelical Seminary, Murrieta, CA.  He is author or coauthor of some 70 books and hundreds of articles.  He has taught for nearly 50 years ...

Review: Defending the Faith

Defending the Faith: J. Gresham Machen and the Crisis of Conservative Protestantism in Modern America, by D. G. Hart.  Phillipsburg, New Jersey: P & R Publishing Co., 2003.  227 pages. Hart has served as director ...

Review: Christ in the Tabernacle

Christ in the Tabernacle: An Old Testament Portrayal of the Christ of the New Testament, by A.B. Simpson.  Camp Hill, PA: Wing Spread Publishers, 2009.  98 pages. Albert Benjamin Simpson was a prominent American pastor ...

Review: The Intolerance of Tolerance

The Intolerance of Tolerance, by D. A. Carson, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012. 186 pages. D. A. Carson is research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Ill. His many other books include ...

Review: Ancient Fire

Ancient Fire: The Power of Christian Rituals in Contemporary Worship.  Ken Heer.  Indianapolis: Wesleyan Publishing House, 2010.  223 pages. Ken Heer, the son of an itinerant minister “in a conservative denomination that regularly practiced rites ...

Have No Fear, Little Flock

Dear Brothers, "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom" (Luke 12:32). It's not hard to understand why the Spirit had Luke record this for us. ...

Review: Faith and Act

Faith and Act: The Survival of Medieval Ceremonies in the Lutheran Reformation, by Ernst Walter Zeeden. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2012. 147 pages. Prof. Dr. Ernst Walter Zeeden was a German historian of some ...

Review: Exodus

Exodus: An Exegetical Commentary by Victor P. Hamilton.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2011. 721 page hardcover.  Victor P. Hamilton (Ph.D., Brandeis University) retired as professor of Old Testament studies at Asbury University in 2007. He ...

Review: The Quest for the Trinity

The Quest for the Trinity: The Doctrine of God in Scripture, History and Modernity, by Stephen R. Holmes. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2012. 231 pages. Stephen R. Holmes received his Ph. D. from King’s ...

Review: In Their Sandals

In Their Sandals: First Person Sermons of Biblical Character, by Robert Guenther. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013. 138 pages. Pastor Rob Guenther graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary  in 2004. Guenther’s served the first six years ...