Divine Communication

Dear Brother, "He will not speak of his own; he will speak only what he hears" (John 16:13). Did you catch the glimpse of an astounding mystery of the interaction of the persons of the ...

Review: Christ Have Mercy

I: Content The subtitle to this pleasant little book is How to Put Your Faith into Action.  Under the theme of the Kyrie, Harrison takes us along on a tour of different situations and mission ...

Preach the Word – May/June 2014

Volume 17, Number 5. Prof. Paul Koelpin stresses the importance of context, while Pastor Nathan Strobel approaches the audience of young adults. Location, Location, Location Preachers are often tempted to equate text study with word ...

Voice Lessons

Dear Brother, How are your voice lessons going? "His sheep follow him because they know his voice" (John 10:4). One way to summarize our calling as God's children is to speak of it as voice ...

Review: Letters from a Counselor

Letters from a Counselor was written to encourage pastors in mission congregations during the busy, stressful times of Advent and Holy Week. Wayne Schulz's encouragement to his missionaries to witness for Jesus is relevant for ...

Review: Justification and the New Perspectives on Paul

The April 2014 edition of Christianity Today features a profile of 21st century biblical scholar N. T. Wright.  On the issue’s front cover, we are told that Wright “is brilliant, prolific, and controversial – and ...

Even Now

Dear Brothers, "On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days" (John 11:17). Impeccable timing? Impeccably poor, it seemed. Jesus knowingly delayed so as to arrive when all ...

Review: Walther’s Hymnal

The transition from the German language to English could rightly be considered one of the most challenging issues in the history of confessional Lutheranism in America. That transition forced countless Lutherans to express their faith ...

His Active Obedience

Dear Brothers, Consider their advantages. They lived in a perfect world filled with clear evidences of their heavenly Father's love. Their home was a garden in which every earthly need was more than adequately met. ...

Review: Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?

In the last half of the 20th century, the church saw a consistent, sustained attack against the truthfulness and reliability of scriptural narratives.  We do well to note that such attacks are nothing new.  Jesuit ...