Review: Dangerous Calling

This book seeks to reveal the truth that the culture surrounding pastors is often times spiritually unhealthy, that is, an environment that actively undermines the well-being and efficacy of church leaders and thus an entire ...

PSI students attend seminary classes

  In June 2015, eight PSI students—five Hmong and three Pakistani—attended classes at the seminary. Professor Joel Otto taught the Augsburg Confessions. "I modified the course a little bit to bring it into their ministry ...

A Cleansing of the Heart

Dear Brothers, Is it true that legalists take God’s law more seriously than the typical Christian? Well, that’s at least what the legalist wants others to believe. They love it when others are impressed by ...

Preach the Word – September/October 2015

Volume 19, Number 1. This issue of Preach the Word begins a new series from Mike Geiger: preaching to Millennials while maintaining connection with other generations. Exegizing your text...your audience! Exegesis. It's what every preacher ...

Stop Grumbling!

Dear Brothers, As the gospel for these weeks walk us through John 6, we can note many connections between what happens near Capernaum and what happened during Israel's journey through the wilderness. In next Sunday's ...

Apache Update

The WELS has a long and blessed history among the Apache people. We have been partners in Christian mission for over 100 years. We see some of God’s blessings on this field in vibrant congregations, ...

Hmong, Vietnamese, Laos, and Thai Update

Our Hmong, Vietnamese, Laos, and Thai friends constantly seek new opportunities to magnify and multiply the great work entrusted to our care. Through connections that crisscross our planet, this community is bringing good news in ...

South Sudanese people

While Peter and Simon and Professor Sorum were in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, they visited the Rev. Dr. Kebede Yigezu, founder and president of the Lutheran Church of Ethiopia (LCE). The three hundred members of ...

Ethiopia update

In October 2014, Peter and Simon and Professor Sorum travelled to Gambella, Ethiopia, to encourage people who are living in and around this city as refugees. Our Board for World Missions sent us to find ...

Preach the Word – July/August 2015

Volume 18, Number 6. In this edition, Pastor Tom Westra provides a checklist for writing a sermon and writes about how Paul teaches us justification and sanctification. A Sermon Checklist A checklist of important characteristics ...