Family Shepherds

  How do we encourage Christian fathers and husbands to be leaders at home?  How do we empower Christian fathers to see their primary calling is not to put food on the table, but to ...

How God Became Jesus

  The lengthy subtitle for How God Became Jesus reveals the purpose of this book: The Real Origins of Belief in Jesus’ Divine Nature – A Response to Bart Ehrman. This book is really a ...

“Devil, You Lie!”

Dear Brothers, What a contrast in every direction! Led by the Spirit, as the second Adam strode out onto the battlefield of temptation to face the father of lies, what a contrast it was to ...


  Horton brings relief for the beleaguered pastor who wonders why his ministry doesn’t seem to be as powerful and impactful as the ministry of others.  He attempts to encourage us in a world that ...

Lutheran Education

  Dr. Korcok served as pastor of a church in rural Ontario, Canada, which was in the process of establishing a Lutheran elementary school. This led him to ask questions, such as, “Why should the ...

Personal Speech-Ethics

  This book is a PhD dissertation submitted to the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, and published in the series Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (WUNT). Baker demonstrates that “speech-ethics is a major concern in the ...

Questioning Evangelism

  Have you ever noticed that very often Jesus answered a question with a question? A rich young man came to Jesus and asked, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mark ...

Preach the Word – January/February 2016

Volume 19, Number 3. Matt Ewart seeks to tackle one of the biggest cultural problems we face as preachers: the declining rate of biblical literacy. How do we approach this issue in the proper way? ...

The Glory of God’s Gracious Love for Us…in Small Things!

Dear Brothers, If the goal of Jesus’ first miracle was to create some buzz, then Jesus should have fired his publicist.  The location of the miracle was in a town so small that John feels ...

Genesis 37-50

This book is in a series from Baylor University Press— Baylor Handbook on the Hebrew Bible. Their aim: “Rather than devote space to the type of theological and exegetical comments found in most commentaries, this ...