Four Branches April 2018

Jump to: Exegetical Systematic Historical Practical   Exegetical Theology: Analyzing Conversations in the Gospels Conversations follow rules that we might not always be aware of – but need to think about. Conversation analysis is the ...

A Path Strewn with Sinners

The gospel of St. Mark, by Wade Johnston’s own admission, had always been a “challenge” for him; indeed, even his “foe” (vii). Mark always seemed in a hurry, leaving out so many details in his ...

Risen Lord, Keep Patiently Opening My Mind to Understand!

Have you mastered the truth of Easter yet?  I will confess that I clearly haven’t. I’m not talking about mastering the logistical, factual details of the day’s events.  I’ve known that quite well ever since ...

Four Branches March 2018

Jump to: Exegetical Systematic Historical Practical   Exegetical Theology: The "Bid" in Jesus' Words Couples who attend a WELS “Healthy Marriage” workshop are introduced to John Gottman’s concept of emotional bids — according to his ...

A Man of Many Hats

A Man of Many Hats Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions teach that the public ministry may assume various forms. For example, public ministers of the gospel may serve as a parish pastor, a world missionary, ...

Growing opportunities in the Philippines

  In February, Pastoral Studies Institute (PSI) team members World Mission Seminary Professor Rev. Bradley Wordell and International Recruitment Director Rev. Jon Bare joined Rev. Robb Raasch, the chairman of the Asia Pacific Rim Administrative ...

God Loved “the World”???

(This devotion, in a slightly modified form, was preached in the chapel of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary on Monday, March 12, 2018. The video of that chapel service can be found here.) About the last word ...

Preach the Word – March/April

Volume 21, Number 4 Lectionary Abundance Ah, the exquisite agony of a “difficult” decision: taking it all in, evaluating the options, narrowing the choices, flopping back-and-forth, making a choice, taking possession, experiencing some buyer’s remorse, ...

Four Branches February 2018

Jump to: Exegetical Systematic Historical Practical   Exegetical Theology: The LORD Is There! It was a stunning and welcome conclusion to Ezekiel’s prophecy. Working among the exiled, Ezekiel’s message concludes with a lengthy picture of ...

See the Greatest Glory of the Mountain!

It is often a troubling and confusing thing to follow as a disciple behind him who was “a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering” (Isaiah 53:3). In faith in him we have been exalted ...