Don’t Forget…

WLS Graduates of 2023, if you have not already done so, please provide Grow in Grace with your updated email address by emailing to continue receiving this newsletter and other seminary updates.

Psalm 65

I pray your summer is going well. If you have a vegetable garden or an herb garden, how is it doing? All the readings appointed for Proper 10 (July 16, 2023) remind us that the ...

Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth

Archaeological Dig and Tour – Save the Date

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary will be sponsoring an archaeological dig and tour of Israel next year. The tentative dates for the trip are May 26 - June 6, 2024. During the first five days of the ...

Lutheran Heritage Tour – Save the Date

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary professors Aaron Christie and Joel Otto will be leading a Lutheran Heritage Tour from May 31 - June 14, 2024. Professor Christie, who teaches worship and directs the Seminary Chorus, has traveled ...

Call Day and Graduation May 2023

On Friday, May 26, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary held its graduation service. President Earle Treptow based his sermon on 1 Corinthians 4:7-12, the section of Scripture the class had chosen as its class "verse." He encouraged ...

Help Us Reach This Generous Offer!

Each year since 2020, generous donors have offered matching grants for Grow in Grace supporters. This year, the matching grant offer is $25,000 for the Grow in Grace Endowment Fund. This offer needs to be ...

Psalm 100

On Sunday, June 18, many of our churches will sing this setting of Psalm 100 from Christian Worship Psalter. Psalm 100 has two halves, and each half has two parts: encouragements/calls to do some things, ...

Four Branches – May 2023

Jump to: Exegetical Systematic Historical Practical Exegetical Theology:  What’s ἀγάπη got to do with it? Part 1 Forgive me for the lamest article title in the history of the Four Branches. It’s a play on ...

Mama Bear Apologetics