Employment Opportunity – Cook

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary is seeking an individual to work in the seminary cafeteria. This individual will assist the Food Service Director in preparation of meals for the student body. A basic understanding of nutrition, health, ...

Friends of the Seminary Day

Please join us on Oct. 12, in the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary auditorium for Friends of the Seminary Day, where men and women gather to learn more about the vital mission of the seminary. Presentations highlight ...

A Symposium on Lutheran Worship Turns 500

The 2024 Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary (WLS) Fall Symposium will convene under the theme: Lutheran Worship Turns 500. With the publication of the Achtliederbuch (1524), the first Lutheran hymnal was born. In the five hundred years ...

1 Timothy 3:1-7

The Grace Notes devotions in 2024 are based on verses from 1 Timothy. Each devotion includes Greek, pastoral ministry notes, and prayer. January: Paul’s salutation (1 Tim 1:1–2). February: Paul’s purpose in writing to Timothy ...

Redeeming Technology: A Christian Approach to Healthy Digital Habits

Four Branches – June 2024

Jump to: Exegetical Systematic Historical Practical Exegetical theology: A Case Study in Why You Should Retain Your Hebrew: Psalm 110, Part 1 Sainted Professor Daniel Deutschlander was fond of warning his students that when they ...

Wielding the Sword of the Spirit – Volume Three

Call Day Appeal Sent

A letter from President Treptow was mailed in June to friends and supporters of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Generous people who give gifts to the seminary help us prepare men who continue to equip God’s people ...

Pursuing the STM Degree

Here are some quick stats: In the past four years about 600 pastors have participated in STM courses (many of them auditing courses at satellite events in the districts), about 200 pastors have earned credits ...

Help to Match this Generous Offer

Every year since 2020, generous donors have offered matching grants for Grow in Grace supporters. This year, the matching grant offer is $25,000 for the Grow in Grace Endowment Fund. This offer needs to be ...