Pastor Appreciation Month

Grow in Grace wants to thank YOU, pastor, for your dedication to serving for the Lord. Below is a brief video from the Grow in Grace team, thanking you.

Reading the Book of Revelation

Annual Symposium Held

Almost 400 people attended Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary’s (WLS) annual fall symposium from Sept. 19-20, either virtually or on campus in Mequon, Wis. Attendees heard three papers presented on the topic of compassion ministry. We live in a cultural setting where many are wrestling with how the church can become increasingly ...

Psalm 121

This past weekend my wife and I drove to New Ulm for homecoming at Martin Luther College. In the span of a few days, we experienced one blessing after another. One of those blessings was ...

One Unified Voice

“We praise you, O God, we acclaim you as Lord!” Chills run down my spine. One unified, strong, and hauntingly beautiful voice completely surrounds me. But it’s 120 voices that sing—120 who are one body, ...