Behind the Scenes
I’ll call them unsung heroes. I know that’s cliché. But I want to sing their praises so that they are unsung no more. I’m talking about the seminary support staff. They’re the ones who make ...
What We Have Isn’t Normal
My friend’s little sister is taking a course at a public university called Intro to the New Testament. If its title reflected its actual content, the course would more aptly be named Intro to Why ...
Formed by the Parish
You never know when one of those phone calls will come. I had just wiped the final traces of the reception’s prime rib dinner from my mouth, when the phone rang. The caller solemnly summoned ...
Registration for Celebration of Ministry Opens THIS MONTH
Registration for the 2023 Celebration of Ministry retreats opens October 21, 2022. We look forward to gathering with you in 2023! Members of the classes of 1988, 1998, 2013, 2020 along with their wives are ...