Course Opportunities

Winterin 2023 registration is now open. Winterim is a two-week session, beginning January 9 and running through January 20. Course space is limited and filled on a first come, first served basis. This year's course ...

Galilee in the Late Second Temple and Mishnaic Periods, Vol 2

Informal Continuing Education

The Grow in Grace team provides resources for informal (not-for-credit) continuing education. This 11-minute exegetical video on the account of “the Bethel bears” in 2 Kings 2 is an example of the kind of resources we could ...

Prepared for the Parsonage

I'm not a pastor’s kid. I graduated from a non-WELS high school. I’m not from the Midwest, and I’m an introvert. So, as I consider my recent transition to the parish life, I’m asking myself, ...