Ministry Grants Awarded

‌A special thank you to the retired pastor who made two $500 gifts to Grow in Grace in order to encourage pastors and lay leaders to grow together in carrying out the gospel ministry entrusted ...

Last Chance to Match

Time is running out to take advantage of this very generous offer! One of our donors stepped forward to help make our work possible through our Endowment Fund. Our donor challenges you to a matching ...

Seminary Students Teach Catechism Lessons

The seminary aims to produce pastoral candidates who can seize the numerous teaching and learning opportunities present in Lutheran congregations. During their first year at the seminary, students learn the principles and methods that are ...

Annual Christmas Appeal Sent

Recently, a Christmas letter from President Earle Treptow, reminding us how God sent the Prince of Peace into our world, was mailed. He encourages us to reflect on our Savior's birth with a spirit of ...