Review: Brothers, We Are Not Professionals

The subtitle of this engaging read is “A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry”.  Titles like that tend to upset the reader’s equilibrium.  One never knows what to expect when he hears the word “radical”.  ...

Review: Galatians

Readers of The Shepherd’s Study are familiar with the circumstances surrounding Paul’s letter to the Galatians, but it is always edifying to review. Certain missionaries were trying to persuade Paul’s Gentile converts in Galatia to ...

Review: The Mother of the Reformation

Almost every Lutheran has heard what a remarkable person Katharine Luther was. Yet how much do we actually know about her life? Not as much as we would like, says her biographer Ernst Kroker. "With ...

Review: Balanced Christianity

In this terse book, Stott addresses what he calls in the opening chapter a “tragedy” in “evangelical Christians” – “polarization” (7). This is the tendency toward one pole or the other in any issue. Whether ...