Review: Justification Reconsidered

When I was in college I remember being told, “The first five times you read the psalms, you’ll realize how little you really know. The next five times you read the psalms you’ll start to ...

Review: Deeper Places

Content of Deeper Places Premise In Jacoby's introduction, he writes: ...most people struggle to attain anything more than a remote and abstract idea about God...It is little wonder, then, that we have no emotional connection ...

Review: Commentary on Luther’s Catechisms: Baptism and Lord’s Supper

There are three sections to this volume. In the first section, Peters discusses Luther’s understanding of the sacraments. Some highlights are: Discussions of the early church fathers between the active “I baptize” or passive “is ...

With Jesus’ Eyes

Dear Brothers, "Man looks at things; God sees through them" (Christian Dogmatics, Vol.  I, 448). Want evidence of Pieper's point? Observe Jesus in Sunday's gospel (Mt 9:35 - 10:8). In town after town Jesus doesn't ...