Review: Infant Baptism

Many people wrestle with the relationship between the Word preached and the Word poured out in Baptism. How does this washing with water and the Word work? Is it necessary for a believing adult? Does ...

Happy Spiritual Birthday

  Dear Brothers, November 15,1959 was not a date my family taught me to celebrate. In some ways I wish they had. On that date God's eternal plans forged with my name on it first ...

Stoop to Sandal-Level

  Dear Brothers, There's an element of last Sunday's gospel that a preacher would highlight if speaking to fellow preachers. "After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I ...

Review: The Commentators’ Bible: Leviticus

ANOTHER COMMENTARY?!?! That is perhaps a person’s reaction to this review. However this book is unique when it comes to commentaries, at least most English commentaries. This is not just one commentator’s thoughts on Leviticus, ...