Review: Women Pastors?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...” These words from the Declaration of Independence have no legal authority, since they are not part of the Constitution or the Bill ...

Double Privilege

  Dear Treasure Filled Jars of Clay, There was no smoke. No blaring trumpets. No sound of God's voice thundering from heaven. Yet as the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee spoke in Capernaum's synagogue, the ...

Review: Christ-Centered Preaching

As the title indicates, the author is concerned with centering preaching in Christ.  In the foreword to the second edition, he makes a two-part clarification on “Christ-centered”: first as “standing for...God’s redemptive work, which finds ...

Review: Fallen

This book is a volume in the Theology in Community series, which is advertised as “first-rate evangelical scholars taking a multidisciplinary approach to key Christian doctrines.” The goal is to focus on the Old and ...

Review: Martin Luther: Preacher of the Cross

Martin Luther served the church in many capacities. He was called friar, priest, professor, doctor, and reformer. Yet of all the words that one could use to describe him, perhaps none would summarize the work ...