May This Never Be!

“May this never be!”  Such was the horrified response to the bloody end of Jesus’ parable of the tenants (Luke 20:9-19). The hearers had heard a parable about tenant-farmers turned terrorist-squatters.  The vineyard owner had ...

Crazy Busy

  DeYoung writes this book because he has identified a problem in his life which he knows he shares with many other Christians. He’s muttered to himself, “What am I doing? How did I get ...

Sudanese conference held

In February 2016, the seminary hosted a Sudanese Conference. Four Sudanese men and their Anglo ministry partners spent two days discussing the doctrine of church fellowship, preaching, and strategic planning for North American congregations and ...

Church Fellowship

  Almost immediately since the first Lutherans came to America they have been divided (or, perhaps better, divided themselves) into two camps. A great number of titles have been attached to these camps. People use ...