Never a Small Thing!

My dear brothers in pastoral ministry, It’s been my honor to serve you the past 18 months as director of Grow in Grace. A particular honor of this calling was writing Grace Notes, meant to ...

The Resurrection Fact: Responding to Modern Critics

Each contributor within The Resurrection Fact responds to modern critics of the historical death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the event on which justification became a reality. “He was handed over to death ...

Four Branches – October 2021

Jump to: Exegetical Systematic Historical Practical Exegetical Theology:  Historical Gaps - What is the allusion? Because the holy writers had background knowledge and life experiences in common with their first audiences, they could make quick ...

“A Happy Ending” Daniel 12:1-4

Profound truth: “It’s incredibly valuable for you that Daniel 12 comes after Daniel 1-11.” Perhaps you’re thinking, “It is?!” It is! Daniel 10-11 contains an amazing prophecy, in which God allows Daniel to see, sometimes ...