Come Stay On Campus!

Events like Symposium and in-person courses are one way to visit and enjoy Seminary campus, but did you know you are welcome stay on campus anytime? Pastors are invited to use Seminary campus as a ...

Matching Grant Opportunites

Over the past few years, multiple generous donors have stepped forward to offer matching grants for Grow in Grace. This year, Grow in Grace has been blessed with two matching grant opportunities! One is $10,000 ...

Psalm 145

I love the first four Sundays in Easter. On Easter we marvel at the words of the angels, “He has risen just as he said!” The following week we anticipate and rejoice in Thomas’ response, ...

Psalm 118

“This is the day the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!” Psalm 118 tells an amazing story. The story of a day. The story of a week. The story of ...

Summer Quarter Online

Unable to make Summer Quarter on campus? Online learning is a great way to participate in a course alongside your schedule. Look through the Summer Quarter Online courses being offered this year. Pay special attention to the ...