Shaped by Brotherhood

"Brothers!" I vividly remember hearing that word over and over again on our class trips to the seminary during my college years. Everywhere we went on campus, the seminarians would call us “brothers.” At first ...

Formed by the Vicar Year

What does a pastor look like? What form does he take? The answer varies. It depends on the man’s gifts. It depends on his upbringing, on the place in which he serves, and on the ...

A Long, Winding Path to the Ministry

As a second-career seminary student, I am often asked about what I did for my first career. I struggle with how to respond because there are several answers I could give. Immediately before moving to ...

Low Anthropology

Behind the Scenes

I’ll call them unsung heroes. I know that’s cliché. But I want to sing their praises so that they are unsung no more. I’m talking about the seminary support staff. They’re the ones who make ...