Retreat Information for Lay Leaders

Grow in Grace recognizes that continuing education in WELS is a partnership in many directions. Lay Leaders are a crucial partnership as congregations seek to encourage their called workers in spiritual and professional growth.

Each year in early June, letters, copies of which are linked at the bottom of this page, are mailed out to congregational lay leaders informing them of the specific ministry milestone their pastor is marking and inviting them to make attendance at the retreat possible. As the beginning of registration time draws closer, lay leaders are again contacted to encourage them if a decision about attendance has not yet been finalized.


While final costs for the 2016 retreat will depend on finalizing contracts with our vendors, we hope to keep the costs comparable to this year’s retreats. Here’s what that retreat cost:

Two nights hotel: $312 (Including taxes)
Retreat registration (per couple): $350 (Late registration fee for those received after February 22, 2016 will be $399 per couple)
Travel/airfare (base amount per couple): $600
Taxi/shuttle (for two, round trip): $ 64
Total cost: $1,326


Travel costs will vary depending on distance from San Antonio. However, in order to equalize travel costs to some degree, the seminary has set up a travel equalization fund. Travel costs in excess of $600 per couple ($300 if traveling alone) will be reimbursed by the seminary at 50%.

We have attached an explanation sheet that provides a few more details on how this travel reimbursement will work.

Retreat Information Sent to Lay Leaders

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