Feedback from those who attended previous retreats
When asked “what added most to your enjoyment of this retreat?” participants answered:
The Philippians study was great! It was just what was needed to “take the retreat home.” Of course, the fellowship was so encouraging, as well. You exceeded my expectations for the retreat. THANK YOU!
I can’t pick one – alone with my husband! The location (nice to go somewhere warmer than where we live), the hotel (we’ve stayed in enough dumpy motels to appreciate the good ones!), good time of year (coming off the stress of Lent/Easter). Many excellent speakers and teachers. The fellowship (we miss being so far away).
I was thankful that the themes focused on joy in the personal Gospel and support for ministry struggles; I had been worried that the emphasis would be more on improving one’s ministry skills, etc. There is surely a time and place for that sort of thing as well, but after an occasionally exhausting Lenten journey it was wonderful to just come and hear the good news without any guilt-tripping about things that could be done better! Thank you for the joyful Gospel focus!
Being there with just my wife. This was the first time we’ve been away from our children in 11 years for more than two nights. They were fine. We were fine. It was great! And we got the chance to implement a lot of what we talked about when we got home!
Being able to spend time with my husband away from the kids for a few days, and then being able to study the Word and renew ourselves with other pastors and their wives.
The Bible studies renewed my eagerness to serve. The fellowship was wonderful; it was so fun to catch up with everyone. We hadn’t seen anyone there since graduation.
Nice to spend some quality time in the Word and have someone preach to me and teach me. Nice to be on the other side of the pulpit and podium. Seeing old friends and catching up with some I had not seen since graduation was a highlight. It was nice to have some time with my wife and no children. Overall really enjoyed the retreat. Was well worth the time and money.
Time being refreshed. Knowing we’re not alone. Remembering what an awesome job we have before us. Seeing old friends. Digging into the Word. Talking through things. We came home refreshed in every way possible. This was a blessing beyond our expectations. Thank you!!!!!
Sharing quality time (in the Word and with friends) with my husband.
The beautiful Drury Plaza hotel, and its rooftop pool and the Riverwalk! I fell in love with San Antonio!
Being in San Antonio, perfect location, right time of the year, lots to do within walking distance.
First real getaway with just my wife in a long time! Fellowship with brothers I haven’t seen in a long time!
I appreciated the genuine humility and kindness of the professors, conference coordinators, and presenters. I also found the attendees to be warm and friendly. Having the conference in San Antonio was a nice change of pace. While on the tours around the cathedrals, I developed a better sense of appreciation for how God used Martin Luther to teach and preach pure Scripture. While the cathedrals were beautiful, true “beauty” was actually found in the Drury conference rooms. Thanks for all the hard work in planning, preparation, and presentation.
Having my wife there for the presentations and the Bible study. It’s not often that we have the opportunity to share those experiences. Not only was the time spent during the presentations enjoyable, but since we experienced it together we could talk about it afterward.
The care and thought that went into all the planning. We were going to be there with our friends and that was going to be good enough but everything else, whether it was excellent or even just OK was done with the most tender touch and greatest care.
It was absolutely wonderful to be with all the pastors and their wives. It is so encouraging!