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The Canon Question

Instructor: Kenneth Cherney

“The Holy Scriptures are the only infallible rule for faith and life”—but who decided which “Scriptures” are “Holy” and when? Is the Canon “closed,” and who closed it? Is it true that Luther wanted the Letter of James out? Why does Rome want the book of Tobit in? How do I answer the person that says that “orthodox” Christianity won out only because certain books were suppressed? How can we talk about what “the Bible says” if we don’t agree first on what the Bible is? This course will look at these and other issues pertaining to the canon of Scripture. We will trace the growth of God’s written Word through the centuries, beginning with the way that subsequent Scriptures fit themselves together with earlier ones. The course will end with special attention to “canonical criticism,” “scripturalization,” and other recent approaches.

Advanced Degree Program(s): STM
Area of Study: Old Testament
Summer Quarter Credits: 2
Tuition: $600
Course Number: OT5064
Course Credits: 1.5
Dates Term Location
01/20/2025 to 04/11/2025 Spring Online 2025 Online View Courses