Winterim 2025

Before we know it, Winterim will be here. Registration begins this week. If you live within driving distance, imagine driving there five days in a row, Jan 6-10, 2025. You are driving there to take one of the five continuing education courses offered just for pastors like you.

If you live farther way, imagine staying in the dorm and eating delicious meals in the cafeteria as you take one of those courses. The price is right: $250 for a week in the dorm and 14 weekday meals in the cafeteria.

Among the five courses being offered, certainly there is something that might interest you and benefit you spiritually or professionally. The five courses can be seen here.

This year we have been encouraging circuit pastors, especially the 22 circuit pastors whose circuits have pastors withing one hour of the Seminary, to send at least one pastor from their circuit to Winterim and then let them share at future circuit meetings what they learned. In this way formal continuing education will serve informal continuing education.

If you have any questions please reach out:
