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Themes and Theologians of Eastern Orthodoxy

Instructor: Rob Wendland

Eastern Orthodoxy is one of the most rapidly growing Christian communities in the United States. Their growth is partly attributed to the rise of those dissatisfied with what they hear and see in protestant churches. Many leave the denominations of their youth to seek an “original” and “authentic” Christianity, a Christianity of the early believers in Jesus. So, what is Eastern Orthodoxy? What does it teach? How is it alike or different from confessional Lutheranism and even other Western denominations with which we are more familiar? As the class explores these themes, it will have opportunities to observe various Orthodox services in the Milwaukee area and speak with Orthodox priests. Students will also choose an Eastern Orthodox theologian with whom to become more familiar and present his findings to the class. A capstone project will either be to produce a topical research paper or a Bible study that a pastor might use to introduce Eastern Orthodoxy to members of his congregation.

In summer 2024 this course will run June 17-28 from 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm. Register now through May 20 in your Student Information System account.

To access a pdf with a listing of all the summer quarter 2024 classes and their schedules, click the following link. Summer Quarter 2024 Schedule

Area of Study: Church History
Tuition: $800
Course Number: CH5088
Course Credits: 2.0