Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – October 20, 2020

Date: 10-20-2020

Scripture Lesson: Romans 13:1–7

Preacher: Z. Zuberbier

Description: Reading: Romans 13:1–7  If anyone had a reason to rebel against the authorities it was Paul and the Romans against Nero. Yet the apostle encourages the Romans to be subject to the governing authorities. Not on the basis of their integrity, but on the basis of God’s authority. Paul’s teaching of the kingdom of God’s left hand assumes implicit knowledge of the kingdom of God’s right hand. Listen to Paul’s warning about the consequences about rebelling against God’s left hand, and trust in the promise of what his right hand has done for you.  Speaker: Z. Zuberbier  Hymns CW618  Before the Lord We Bow  CW523God of Grace and God of Glory  Pianist: Prof. Tackmier