Daily Chapel – April 7 2017
Date: 04-07-2017
Scripture Lesson:1 Corinthians 15:12-22
Preacher: Hans Thomford
Description: Friday – 1 Corinthians 15:12-22 From our first father, Adam, we inherit the curse of death; a curse that none of us can escape on our own. If Christ did not come, die, and rise, we would be cursed to suffer in the grave for eternity. In Corinth, there were some who were saying there was, in fact, no resurrection from the dead. If that were the case, Christ was never raised from the dead. If that were true, our study here on campus, our preaching, our comfort, and our faith–they are all futile. And the only result is that we left to wallow in our sins for eternity. But, Paul says, Christ has indeed been raised from the dead. Christ is the first fruits of those who have died before us. In Christ, all will be made alive because he promised, “Whoever believes in me will live even though he died.” Jesus conquered death and the grave and that victory means we will live forever in glories of heaven! Service Regular chapel order Speaker Hans Thomford Hymns 167–Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense 434–Lord, You I love with All My Heat Organist Prof. Geiger