Daily Chapel – February 14 2017
Date: 02-14-2017
Scripture Lesson:2 Samuel 11:1-17,26-27
Preacher: Matthew Hatzung
Description: Tuesday – 2 Samuel 11:1-17,26-27 Our Savior’s call to live holy lives leads us to a healthy fear of sin. God gives us a powerful warning in the life of King David. When Israel’s greatest king was at the height of his power, his dabbling in sin lead to his downfall. Lust gave way to adultery. Lies led to deceit and treachery in his heart. Selfishness allowed him to disregard any life but his own. David thought he could play with fire, but in the end he was burned by sin. His mistakes in this account show us that God’s call to avoid sin is a call made out of love, and a call for our own spiritual safety. Service Regular Chapel Order Speaker Matthew Hatzung Hymns 292 The Lord Is God; There Is No Other 452 Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus Organist Geoffrey Rue