Toolbox: For Your Public Ministry Callings

  • Biblical Theology

    • Print Resources
      • Books
        • NT Introduction
          • The Word of the Lord Grows by Martin A. Franzmann (CPH, 1961).
          • An Introduction to the New Testament by D.A. Carson and Douglas Moo (Zondervan, 2005)
        • Lexicon and Wordbook
          • A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd Edition by Walter Bauer (University of Chicago Press, 2001)
          • Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, One Volume by Geoffrey W. Bromiley (Eerdmans, 1985)
        • Grammar
          • Greek Grammar: Beyond the Basics by Daniel B. Wallace (Zondervan, 1997)
          • A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature by Friedrich A. Blass and Albert Debrunner (University of Chicago Press, 1961)
        • Exegesis
          • The Practice of New Testament Exegesis by David Kuske (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Press, 1992)
          • Principles of Biblical Interpretation in the Lutheran Confessions by Ralph Bohlman. The first part of the book analyzes the nature, function & content of
            Scripture as presented in the confessions. The second part shows how the proper principles of interpretation derived from Scripture are used in the confessions.
          • Biblical Interpretation: The Only Right Way by David Kuske. This is the textbook currently used at WLS for first year hermeneutics. It includes a study of: the history of NT interpretation, three types of historical-critical interpretation, and the principles of biblical interpretation. An extensive bibliography  is included.
          • Luther as Interpreter of Scripture by Hilton Oswald and George Robbert. This book brings together some examples of Luther’s approach to exegesis. The selections come from Luther’s lectures on Romans, Galatians, the Psalter, and Genesis.
          • New Testament Exegesis by Gordon Fee. A handbook for doing an exegesis on a portion of the New Testament for papers, Bible studies, and sermons.
          • Old Testament Exegesis by Douglas Stuart. A handbook for doing an exegesis on a portion of the Old Testament for papers, Bible studies, and sermons.
          • The Byzantine Text-Type and NT Textual Criticism by Harry Sturz. A balanced treatment of NT variants with documentation and a complete bibliography.
        • Commentaries
          • Genesis 1-11, Lawrenz and Jeske, NPH
          • Psalms, Brug, NPH
          • The Message of Job by John Jeske. An isagogical and exegetical study of the book of Job.
          • Revelation by Siegbert Becker. An interprettation of Revelation in Dr. Becker’s usual lucid and interesting style.
          • The Revelation to St. John by Martin Franzmann. An interesting and helpful study of John’s Revelation.
          • Concordia Self-Study Commentary by Roehrs and Franzmann. An excellent one-volume commentary on selected verses from every chapter of the entire Bible.
        • OT Resources
          • Textual Criticism of the Old Testament: Principles and Practice by John Brug, Chesed VeEmet Publishing, 2014
          • Prepare the Way of the Lord: An Introduction to the Old Testament by A. Steinmann an R. Lessing, CPH, 2014
          • An Exegesis of Genesis 1&2 by Siegbert Becker. The title could be misleading. Rather than an in-depth exegesis, it is a critical look at evolution from the perspective of Genesis and other major truths of Scripture.
          • Elijah, an Old Testament Preacher by John Jeske. Five essays presented at a pastor’s institute. Subjects covered: 1. Dark
            Days For Israel; 2. Elijah’s inaugural Sermon, Flight, and Return; 3. Sacred Showdown; 4. Relapse, Rebuked, Reassignment; 5. Elijah’s Legacy.
          • Chesed in the Old Testament by Paul Peters. A thorough study of CHESED, the “covenant   love” word of the OT. This is a series from the WLQ vol50:181, 251;  vo/51:41, 126, 167.
          • The Book of Job in its Significance for Preaching and the Care of Souls by August Pieper. A study of Job that gleans insights for pastoral care of the sick or suffering Christian.  This study has been described by some as “pure gold”. A series from the WLQ vol57:50, 118, 197. (Also available in WLS Essay File)
          • The Angel of the Lord by Heinrich Vogel. Vogel gives a study of each of the OT appearances of Christ. He also discusses OT texts that have appearances about which there is considerable debate.
          • The OT Concept of the Soul by Heinrich Vogel. A thorough study of RUACH and NEPHESH with reference to the dichotomy of man. Many references and comparisons make this study a gem. WLQ vol61:33, 107, 191.
          • A Portrait of Moses by James Westendorf. Five essays presented at a pastor’s institute.  Subjects covered:  1. His Times; 2. The Pupil; 3. The Prophet; 4. The Political Leader;  5. The Preacher.
      • Essays
        • A Portrait of Paul by D. Valleskey. A five-part Pastors Institute presentation. (WLS Essay File)
      • Devotionals
    • Audio and Visual Resources
      • Audio Books
        • The Art of Exegesis by Martin Franzmann. A Compendium Concordia Series on five audio cassettes (available in the WLS Library).
      • Videos
      • Podcasts
    • Electronic Resources
      • Email Subscriptions
      • Apps
      • Websites
  • Systematic Theology

    • Print Resources
      • Books
        • God So Loved the World by Lyle W. Lange (NPH)
        • Grace Abounds by Daniel Deutschlander (NPH)
        • Loci Theologici by Martin Chemnitz. A translation by J.A.O. Preus of Chemnitz’s dogmatical work. (CPH)
        • Justification  by Martin Chemnitz. The chief article of Christian doctrine as expounded in Loci Theologici by Martin Chemnitz and translated by J.A. 0. Preus. This translation introduces English readers to the central and most important portion of the Loci Theologici.
        • The Lord’s Supper by Martin Chemnitz. This is a translation by J.A.O. Preus of Chemnitz’ defense of the real presence of Christs’s body and blood in the Lord’s Supper.
        • The Two Natures of Christ by Martin Chemnitz. This is a translation by J.A.O. Preus of Chemnitz’ De Duabus Naturis in Christo which shows that the Christology of the Reformers is that of Scripture, the Ancient church fathers, and the creeds.
        • Ministry, Word, and Sacraments. An Enchiridion  by Martin Chemnitz. This is a translation of Chemnitz’ “little book” for pastors. Includes chapters covering th eWord and sacraments, ceremonies of the church, and the conduct of ministers.
        • People’s Bible Teachings ed. Leroy Dobberstein. As a sequel to the People’s Bible series on the books of the Bible, this is a series
          of books on the doctrines of Scripture. Four were published in 1996 and four more will follow each year until the 24 volumes are all published.
        • Dogmatics  by Adolph Hoenecke. Dogmatik, written by Prof. Hoenecke, is being translated into English by Prof. Joel Fredrich. NPH
        • Essays on Church Fellowship ed. Curtis Jahn. This book contains 25 essays on fellowship published in the Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly between 1940 and 1992. There are also seven essays originally published in pamphlet form in the 1950s and 60s along with two previously unpublished essays.
        • Biblical Interpretation: The Only Right Way by David Kuske. This is the textbook for first year hermeneutics at WLS put into a popular form. If includes a study of the history of NT interpretation, a study of three types of historical critical interpretation, and the principles of biblical interpretation. Also
          includes an extensive bibliography.
        • The Abiding Word ed. Theo. Laetsch. A three-volume set of essays on pertinent Christian doctrines.
        • Our Great Heritage ed. Lyle Lange. A three-folume set of essays on pertinent Christian doctrines.
        • The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther. Luther’s response to Erasmus. A mjaor writing of Luther which is one of his two or three best works.
        • Luther’s Works: Word and Sacrament by Martin Luther. Four volumes covering the doctrine of the Lord’s Supper. Vols 35, 36, 37.
        • Luther’s Works: Church and Ministry by Martin Luther. Three volumes covering subjects like religious fanaticism, Roman Papacy. Vols 39, 40, 41.
        • Elders Leadership Training by Wayne Mueller. A study based on scripture passages  & confessional  statements dealing with  the office of the elder & elders work in three aspects of the church’s work: discipline, nurture & outreach.
        • Christian Dogmatics by Francis Pieper. This is a translation by T Engelder, J. T Mueller and W.W.F. Albrecht of
          Pieper’s Christliche Dogmatik with an index volume arranged by subject matter, author and scriptural reference.
        • The Theology of Post-Reformation Lutheranism by Robert Preus. A two volume set discussing the development and content of Bible doctrines delineated by the theologians of the golden age of orthodoxy. Volume one discusses the knowledge of God (natural and acquired), treating God’s existence and attributes. Volume two probes the creation, the Hezameron, divine providence, and “the Lutheran world picture.”
        • Biblical Christology by John Schaller. This study of Lutheran Dogmatics was written as a seminary textbook on what the Scriptures say concerning the redeeming work of Christ.
        • Sanctification: Christ in Action by Harold Senkbeil. A study in contrasts between the conservative evangelical approach to this subject and the Lutheran approach based on the means of grace.
        • The Proper Distinction between Law and Gospel by C.F.W. Walther. Walther’s famous “Friday Evening Lectures” with his seminary students. A must for all Lutheran pastors.
        • WELS Ministry Compendium from WELS Parish Services. Papers and Essays on the doctrine of the church and ministry published in 1992.
      • Essays
        • Positive Thinking and Possibility Thinking in the Church by Albrecht Michael. A brief overview of the life and teachings of Norman Vincent Peale and Robert Schuller along with scriptural evaluations of their theology. Has a rather comprehensive bibliography.
        • A Doctrinal Evaluation of ELCA by John Brug. Five essays presented at a pastor’s institute. Subjects covered: 1. Doctrinal Heritage of ELCA; 2. Official Doctrine of ELCA; 3. ELCA Dogmatics (of God); 4. ELCA Dogmatics (Christology and Justificiation); 5. Popular Doctrine of ELCA. Available on the WLS Essay File.
        • Justification in Light of Present Problems by Leroy Dobberstein. Five essays presented at a pastor’s institute: 1. The Basic Doctrine; 2. Objective Justification; 3. On With The Message; 4. Justification By Faith; 5. Justification and Sanctification. Available on the WLS Essay File.
        • Eschatological Prophecies and Current Misinterpretations by Wilbert Gawrisch. A reprint of the WLQ articles from 1987 to 1988. They include studies of millennialism, antichrists and the Antichrist, and a survey of eschatological scripture passages.
        • What is Scriptural and What is Traditional in Lutheran Church Work by Arnold Koelpin. WLS Essay File
        • The Moment of the Real Presence by Thomas Nass. A study that draws from scripture, the confessions, Lutheran dogmaticians and recent discussions regarding the “moment.” (1989) WLS Essay File
        • The Glory of the Lord by August Pieper. A study of the Old Testament concept of The Glory of the Lord. WLS Essay File
        • Calvinism: Its Essence and Menacing Impact by Arnold Sitz. Sitz reviews the three Great Reformers: Luther, Calvin and Zwingli. Then he covers the major creeds of Calvinism. Finally, he shows the impact reformed theology has had on American Lutheranism throughout the years.
        • The Theology of the Lord’s Supper by Gaylin Schmeling. WLS Essay File. This presentation from the ELS Doctrine Committee incorporates material from every era of Christendom. The paper talks a lot about “the moment”.
        • Unworthy Participants at Lord’s Supper by John Trapp. An exegetical look at 1 Corinthians 11 and an in depth study of the Formula of Concord discussing just what is an unworthy communicant.
      • Devotionals
    • Audio and Visual Resources
      • Audio Books
      • Videos
      • Podcasts
    • Electronic Resources
      • Email Subscriptions
      • Apps
      • Websites
  • Historical Theology

    • Print Resources
      • Books
        • Jars of Clay (NPH)
        • Luther: Man Between God and the Devil by Heiko A. Oberman
        • The Wisconsin Synod Lutherans by Edward C. Fredrich. A history of the Wisconsin Synod.  NPH
        • The History of the Wisconsin Synod by John P. Koehler. Primary source for early WELS history.
        • To Every Nation, Tribe, Language by John Sauer and E. Wendland. History of WELS missions. NPH
        • The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Standard reference work for ancient, medieval, Reformation and modern European church history. It is weak in regard to American Christianity.
        • A Religious History of the American People by Sydney E. Ahlstrom. Classic work, comprehensive, good place to begin the study of major religious movements throughout our country.
        • Luther the Reformer: The Story of the Man and His Career by James M. Kittelson. Textbook for the Reformation course at MLC and used for reference at WLS. The best available treatment of Luther’s entire life.
        • A History of Christianity by Kenneth S. Latourette. Comprehensive, yet concise, fairly reliable, although we would disagree with some of his conclusions.
        • The European Reformations by Carter Linberg. An even-handed treatment of the Lutheran, Anabaptist, Swiss, English, Scottish, Netherlands, French, and Catholic Reformations. This book is recommended reading for the Reformation and Post-Reformation.
        • The Lutherans in North America ed. Clifford E. Nelson. Standard textbook.
      • Devotionals
    • Audio and Visual Resources
    • Electronic Resources
  • Practical Theology

    • Preaching Resources
      • Print Resources
        • Books
          • Biblical Preaching:  The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages by Haddon W. Robinson Robinson is a gifted writer who has a memorable way of helping us through the steps of studying for and crafting a sermon.  He provides many, many sound and practical insights to strengthen the development and the delivery of sermons.  The reader will notice that a Christ-centered understanding of preaching (gospel predominance) is not always in sharp focus.
          • Christ-Centered Preaching:  Redeeming the Expository Sermon by Bryan Chapell  (Baker:  2005 – second edition) Chapell writes with great insight into the challenge of keeping sermons focused on the gospel and not on human striving.   This book has been used for middler preaching class at WLS by several professors.
          • The Company of the Preachers: A History of Biblical Preaching from the Old Testament to the Modern Era by David L Larsen Larsen provides a single volume-length overview of some of the movements and some of the key preachers in the history of preaching.   This provides a helpful overview from which to think through the questions of what may change and what must not change as we proclaim a changeless Word to a changing world.
          • He Is Not Silent:  Preaching in a Postmodern World by R. Albert Mohler, Jr.  (Moody Publishers: 2008) While Mohler’s definition of what expository preaching is at times a bit narrow (he does not appear to allow for preaching on a pericope in some statements), yet he has much to offer in how to preach with Spirit-given confidence and genuine authority in a skeptical, postmodern world.
          • The Homiletical Plot:  The Sermon as Narrative Art Form by Eugene Lowry  (John Knox Press:  2001) Lowry taps into the narrative quality of many texts and presents a model – which many have called the Lowry Loop – for designing a sermon in a way that honors the text’s narrative path.  While Lowry’s theology may not define law and gospel exactly as we would, yet his loop has much that resonates with law and gospel preachers. 
          • Just Words:  Understanding the Fullness of the Gospel by Jacob A. O. Preus (Concordia: 2000) Preus helps the preacher to think through the many different images and pictures and analogies that the Scripture uses to proclaim the gospel to its hearers/readers.  This helps the preacher to avoid predictable ruts in how he speaks the gospel.  The discerning reader will notice, however, a whiff of allegory in just a couple places (and its close relative – spiritualizing).
          • Made to Stick:  Why Some Ideas Survive and Other Dies by Chip Heath & Dan Heath (Random House:  2008) This was not written as a homiletics book.  It was written as a business book from a secular perspective.  Yet the perceptive pastor will not have much trouble at all drawing one insight after another for what it means to write/speak in such a way to help ideas stick.
          • Preaching by Fred Craddock (Abingdon: 1985)  Fred Craddock is regarded by most as the father of what is called the New Homiletic.  Preaching is his basic textbook for laying out what he calls inductive preaching.  There is much that a preacher will find helpful in this volume when it comes to preaching texts that follow a more inductive logical pattern.
          • Preaching and the Literary Forms of the Bible by Thomas Long  (Fortress:  1989) Long writes with great insight for the unique features for preaching found in the many of the different literary forms the Spirit used in Scripture (psalms, proverbs, narratives, parables, epistles).  The reader will be wise to be discerning since Long’s view of the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture is not that of a Confessional Lutheran.
          • Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture  by Graeme Goldsworthy (Eerdmans:  2000) Goldsworthy helps solidify why we preach with a gospel predominant approach and then takes us through a tour of how to preach Christ-focused sermons from the various types of literature found in both Old and New Testaments.
          • Preach the Gospel by R. Balge and J. Gerlach. The homiletics textbook at WLS written by two WLS professors.
          • Preaching for the Church by Richard Caemmerer. The homiletics textbook formerly used at Concordia St. Louis.
          • The Sermon by R.C.H. Lenski. This book was the standard homiletics text for yeras. It still provides many helpful insights for sermon preparation, structure, and delivery.
          • Homiletics by M. Reu. This book is the grandfather of many of our Lutheran Homiletics texts. It is a classic work on the theory and practice of preaching.
          • Between Two Worlds by John R. Stott. Stott is an Anglican. His book addresses the need to properly bridge the gap between the Bible and today’s Christian. He pushes for relevancy and penetration in preaching.
        • Essays
          • Spiritual Renewal as Faithful Application of Law & Gospel by John Jeske (WLS Essay File)
          • Lutheran Preachin in a Contemporary World by James Westendorf. Five essays presented at a pastoral institute. Subjects covered: 1. Its Source (Text and Context), 2. Its Purpose (From the Word, For the People), 3. Its Content (Law and Gospel), 4. Its Setting (Worship & Church Year), 5. Its Delivery (Written/Oral Communication). Found in the WLS Essay File.
        • Devotionals
      • Courses
        • Freshness & Variety in Proclaiming Law & Gospel This WLS course helps preachers to think through the rich variety of ways that the Spirit displays for us in Scripture to proclaim law and gospel.  The goal of the course is to help the preacher to break through predictable ruts and to be encouraged by and imitate more the Spirit’s rich variety in proclaiming law and gospel.  This course can be adapted to many different settings and lengths of presentations.
        • The Preacher Studies Romans 9-16 This WLS course takes the preacher through a selected exegetical study of key preaching texts from the last half of Paul’s letter to the Romans.   This course can be adapted to many different settings and lengths of presentations.
        • Preaching Christ from the Old Testament This WLS course helps the preacher to grow in preaching genuinely Christ-centered sermons when preaching from Old Testament texts without giving in to caricatures of such Christcentric preaching such as allegory.  This course can be adapted to many different settings and lengths of presentations.
        • Preaching in a Postmodern World This WLS course helps the Lutheran preacher to understand what may change and what must not change as he seeks to proclaim God’s changeless truth in the midst of a changing culture.  Issues such as preaching to an often biblically illiterate, skeptical culture that is suspicious of all claims to authority are among the topics discussed.    The wisdom of the use of narrative in preaching to a world that loves story is also discussed.  This course can be adapted to many different settings and lengths of presentations.
        • Preaching Sanctification in Ways that Honor Gospel Predominance This WLS course helps the preacher to think through what it means to remain grace focused so that his hearers are empowered, strengthened, and directed in living out in their lives their many different callings that God has given them.  This course can be adapted to many different settings and lengths of presentations.
        • Worship and Preaching that Celebrates the Liturgical Year This WLS course helps the preacher to grow in his appreciation for the church year and its themes and patterns so as to enrich preaching within a liturgical context. This course can be adapted to many different settings and lengths of presentations.
      • Audio and Visual Resources
        • Audio Books
        • Videos
        • Podcasts
          • Preaching Points
          • The Sermonators
      • Electronic Resources
        • Email Subscriptions
        • Apps
        • Websites
    • Education Resources
      • Print Resources
        • Books
          • Christian Nurture: Methods by David Kuske. A WLS textbook which deals with: teaching techniques;  types of questions;  lesson goals;  a basic method for teaching Sunday school, catechism class, and teenage/adult  Bible class; memorization;  classroom management.
          • Teaching Christian Adults by Wilbert Warren. A book written by an LC-MS professor which deals with both educational theory and practical matters in adult education.
          • The Christian Educator’s Handbook on Teaching by Kenneth Gangel. A book that covers the theory and practice of the teaching of both adults and children.
          • 24 Ways to Improve Your Teaching by Kenneth Gangel. 24 different methods, detailing the strengths and weaknesses of each, with practical tips for the most effective use of each.
          • The Seven Laws of Teaching by John Gregory. A short, somewhat humorous, excellent book that every pastor would be well-advised to read once a year as a checkup on his teaching of both children and adults.
          • Creative Bible Teaching by Larry Richards. An excellent book on teaching Bible in a way that allows the teacher to guide the class in taking an active part in Bible study.
          • The Christian Education of Adults by Gilbert Peterson. An overview of both the theory and practice of teaching adult Bible classes.
          • How the Child Learns by John Isch. An excellent in-depth study of this subject written by a DMLC professor.
          • Readings in Christian Education by John Isch. A compilation of readings on this subject from a number of sources in WELS.
          • Christian Nurture: Birth to Grade Twelve by David Kuske. A WLS textbook that deals with a congregation’s program of nurture from birth to grade twelve.
        • Devotionals
      • Audio and Visual Resources
        • Audio Books
          • The Principles of the Teaching/Learning Process by David Kuske. Five essays presented at a pastoral institute. Subjects covered: 1. The Six Principles; 2. Applied in SS and VBS; 3. Applied in catechism Class; 4. In Teenage/Adult Bible Class; 5. In Adult Information Class & Organizations. Found in WLS Library.
          • The Principles and Methods of Christian Education by David Kuske. A six·lesson study course with accompanying audio tapes on six subjects: Seven principles of learning for all age groups; The learning process in the human being; The physical/mental/volitional development of the learner; The four basic teaching techniques; Types of questions; The functions and qualities of the parts of a religion lesson.
        • Videos
        • Podcasts
      • Electronic Resources
        • Email Subscriptions
        • Apps
        • Websites
    • Counseling Resources
      • Print Resources
        • Books
          • Rainbow Savior by William Monday
          • Counseling at the Cross by H. Curtis Lyon. A great book to refine the pastor’s skill at applying Law and Gospel in relevant and appropriate ways to today’s counselee. The author brings a rich supply of pastoral experience  and gives many case studies to demonstrate his point..
          • I Would Like to Know by Paul Kelm. This book is a compilation of the many articles by the same name found in The Northwestern Lutheran. It provides the pastor with an example of how one can handle tough questions spanning a broad range of topics.
          • Modern Moral Dilemmas by Wayne Mueller. This book is a reprint of a series of articles found in The Northwestern Lutheran during 1990. It is a handy little book that succinctly answers from Scripture the man questions raised in our day of moral uncertainty.
          • Deepening Love for Marital Happiness by John Schneidervin. In the words of the author, “The purpose of this book is threefold: to share with you what our Lord has said about the marital relationship; to bring to you the Lord’s guidance for working through the chief marital problems; and to unfold for you what our Lord has said about  love in marriage.” This book, written in an easy to read style, is a book that can augment marital and premarital counseling.
          • When the Crying Stops  by Kathleen Winkler and Harold Senkbeil. This book reveals the stories of fifteen different women who have had an abortion.  They candidly tell of their guilt, grief, and search for peace, forgiveness  and love. Each story is augmented with a brief devotion. This book can help one understand the unique trauma of post abortion syndrome as well as how to offer those in its grip the healing hand of Christ.
          • The Counseling Shepherd by Armin Schuetze and Frederick Matzke. This sequel to The Shepherd Under Christ serves as one of the WLS textbooks for pastoral counseling. It addresses the unique role a pastor plays in counseling his members  as well as giving many useful hints on how to most effectively  shepherd people in this vital one-on-one  ministry.
          • Love Beyond Our Imagination. Devotions for families of recovering alcoholics.  Each devotion centers around a practical life issue faced by those working through the challenge of relating properly to each other.
          • Walking His Paths in Recovery. A series of meditations based on the 12-step approach for Christian alcohol­ ics. Each step in the recovery process is presented in a Scripture-based context, with a number of explanatory meditations  and prayers.
          • Dealing with Divorce in the Parishby David Valleskey. Part One deals wfth what Scripture says on marriage, divorce,  & remarriage (often based on the Greek). Part Two then addresses disciplining & counseling those with troubled marriages.
        • Devotionals
      • Audio and Visual Resources
        • Audio Books
        • Videos
        • Podcasts
      • Electronic Resources
        • Email Subscriptions
        • Apps
        • Websites
    • Worship Resources
      • Print Resources
        • Books (* = Marked as a priority by Prof. Tiefel)
          • *Gathered Guests – LSB Edition by Timothy H. Maschke, CPH, 2009
          • *Christian Liturgy – Catholic and Evangelical by Frank Senn, Fortress, 1997
          • *Protestant Worship – Traditions in Transition by James F. White, Westminster/John Knox, 1989
          • *Worship in the Name of Jesus by Peter Brunner (translated from the original German), CPH 1968 (reprinted 2003)
          • *The Altar Guild Manual – LSB Edition by Lee A. Maxwell, CPH, 2008
          • Key Words in Church Music, Carl F. Schalk, CPH, 2004
          • Commentary on the Lutheran Book of Worship, Philip Pfatteicher, Augsburg Fortress, 1990
          • An Introduction to Christian Liturgy, Frank Senn, 2012
          • The Lutheran Liturgy by Luther D. Reed, Fortress, 1947. (Note: This is probably out of print, but it was required reading for Seminary students from 1962-1985.)
        • Devotionals
      • Audio and Visual Resources
        • Audio Books
        • Videos
        • Podcasts
      • Electronic Resources
        • Email Subscriptions
        • Apps
        • Websites
    • Outreach and Evangelism Resources
      • Print Resources
        • Books
          • Prepared to Answer by Mark Paustian
          • More Prepared to Answer by Mark Paustian
        • Essays
          • Loving the Lost Means Loving the Truth by Daniel Leyrer
        • Devotionals
      • Audio and Visual Resources
        • Audio Books
        • Videos
        • Podcasts
      • Electronic Resources
        • Email Subscriptions
        • Apps
        • Websites
    • Leadership Resources
      • Print Resources
        • Books
        • Essays
          • Leaders in the Lord by Mark Zarling
          • Building Lay Leadership Within a Congregation by John Jeske. A presentation on recruiting and training lay leaders. It includes some examples of good and bad approaches in recruitment. WLS Essay File
          • A Biblical and Contemporary Philosophy of Ministry by Paul Keirn. An inquiry to the many forces shaping one’s philosophy of ministry, and investigation of the biblical doctrines that should help shape our philosophy of ministry and the demands that our contemporary world makes for ministry. WLS Essay File
          • Personal Qualities of a Christian Leader by Richard Lauersdorf. A thought provoking study of how Christian leaders are to emulate Christ as leader,  in setting a good example, in sharing vision and in feeling empathy for people. WLS Essay File
          • Equipping the Believers by David Valleskey. This is a 1987 Convention Essay that divides into three parts: 1. The priesthood of all believers:  a high calling with plenty of work to do; 2. The special work of leaders: equipping the saints;  3. Where equipping begins: teaching God’s people everything  Christ commanded. WLS Essay File
          • Lay Leadership by David Valleskey. A seminar conducted in the Nebraska District Missionary Conference in 1990. The seven parts include: 1. Biblical Basis; 2. Planning for Ministry; 3. Pastoral Leadership; 4. Delegating Work; 5. Recruiting Workers; 6. Training Workers; 7. Recognizing Faithful Workers. WLS Essay File
          • Elders’ Leadership Training (The Local Congregation and Its Spiritual Care) by Wayne Mueller. A four part study guide based on Bible passages & Lutheran confessions/ statements. The office of the elder is addressed  first, followed by the work of elders in these areas: discipline, nurture, & outreach. WLS Essay File
        • Devotionals
      • Audio and Visual Resources
        • Audio Books
        • Videos
        • Podcasts
      • Electronic Resources
        • Email Subscriptions
        • Apps
        • Websites
    • Family Ministry
      • Print Resources
        • Books
          • Grace-Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel
          • Revolutionary Parenting by George Barna
          • Model for Family Ministry by the Family Ministry Committee of the BPS. A handbook developed to guide a program of family ministry in a congregation.
          • Family Ministry by Charles Sell
        • Essays
        • Devotionals
      • Audio and Visual Resources
        • Audio Books
        • Videos
        • Podcasts
      • Electronic Resources
        • Email Subscriptions
        • Apps
        • Websites